Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Menantu or Malay Hantu?
I drive to work once in a blue moon.
Whenever i choose to drive to work, I'll listen to whether or
Maybe because the song that they choose to play are from my century.
Did ya' know JD's classified is replaced? With more cruel thing...
I'll miss the annoying JD...huhuhu
It has been replaced with kinda prank call.
I hate prank call....coz it has happened to me before..tell ya' later.
This lady calls her mom...
Telling her that she wants to marry her boy that she currently hook up.
But her mom yells no...are serious you wants to marry him?
The daughter received objection from her mom.
The mom said why don't you choose anak Aunty Tut Tut (forgot her name), he is a lawyer, sure can give you a bright future...own house and'll be happier if you're with him...
The daughter said, I thought you say you want a Malay menantu?
Mom said, ya la...I want Malay menantu but not malay hantu!
The conversation went on and on till the daughter confessed that she had dump the boy.
And then Dilly and JD announced that it was just a prank call.
I laughed at the moment but then it made me think for a while.
Salah ke kalau pasangan yang kita pilih tu suka pakai selekeh2?
Improper cloth doesn't mean you're bad person but remember, our people judge person from the appearances.
No, you don't? C'mon la..most of us did.
Aku ngaku aku jenis suka lelaki yang selekeh2 sebab diorang sempoi and normally they got balls and brains.
From my experiences la.
Salah ke kalau dia main muzik?
Our mak-mak sure tak suka kan kalau bakal menantu main muzik...but...Bagi aku, personal view, man who plays music is genius. Maybe tak semua but most of 'em. Kan?
Takde harta, kerja tak tetap, savings tah ada ke tidak....
Maybe aku kahwin masa aku betul2 mentah...tak fikir how are we going to survive without allowances from PaMa...tak fikir ada berapa banyak savings dia ada...kitorang akan ada anak....aku tak fikir...
But trust me, just trust your heart.
Sesusah mana pun korang akan hadapi, you will find a way to solve all the obstacles.
Caranya....duduk berbincang. Kena give and take...
Tapi ada masa salah seorang mesti ada yang terlebih give sebab mungkin awalnya tak plan betul cam aku ni
But in the end, satu pihak lagi akan cuba stabilkan diri dia...
Ibarat macam mula2 ko bawak kapal mesti la senget2 dulu kan...
Once kau dah find the way nak stabilkan kapal will go smooth...
Maybe tak semua dapat seimbangkan kapal tu..some sink..some will remain float....
All we need is make a shift/change if something is still goes wrong no matter how much we try...
Make a change...
Kalau kau hantu ubahlah jadi orang...nak jadi malaikat melampau sangat kan.
Whenever i choose to drive to work, I'll listen to whether or
Maybe because the song that they choose to play are from my century.
Did ya' know JD's classified is replaced? With more cruel thing...
I'll miss the annoying JD...huhuhu
It has been replaced with kinda prank call.
I hate prank call....coz it has happened to me before..tell ya' later.
This lady calls her mom...
Telling her that she wants to marry her boy that she currently hook up.
But her mom yells no...are serious you wants to marry him?
The daughter received objection from her mom.
The mom said why don't you choose anak Aunty Tut Tut (forgot her name), he is a lawyer, sure can give you a bright future...own house and'll be happier if you're with him...
The daughter said, I thought you say you want a Malay menantu?
Mom said, ya la...I want Malay menantu but not malay hantu!
The conversation went on and on till the daughter confessed that she had dump the boy.
And then Dilly and JD announced that it was just a prank call.
I laughed at the moment but then it made me think for a while.
Salah ke kalau pasangan yang kita pilih tu suka pakai selekeh2?
Improper cloth doesn't mean you're bad person but remember, our people judge person from the appearances.
No, you don't? C'mon la..most of us did.
Aku ngaku aku jenis suka lelaki yang selekeh2 sebab diorang sempoi and normally they got balls and brains.
From my experiences la.
Salah ke kalau dia main muzik?
Our mak-mak sure tak suka kan kalau bakal menantu main muzik...but...Bagi aku, personal view, man who plays music is genius. Maybe tak semua but most of 'em. Kan?
Takde harta, kerja tak tetap, savings tah ada ke tidak....
Maybe aku kahwin masa aku betul2 mentah...tak fikir how are we going to survive without allowances from PaMa...tak fikir ada berapa banyak savings dia ada...kitorang akan ada anak....aku tak fikir...
But trust me, just trust your heart.
Sesusah mana pun korang akan hadapi, you will find a way to solve all the obstacles.
Caranya....duduk berbincang. Kena give and take...
Tapi ada masa salah seorang mesti ada yang terlebih give sebab mungkin awalnya tak plan betul cam aku ni
But in the end, satu pihak lagi akan cuba stabilkan diri dia...
Ibarat macam mula2 ko bawak kapal mesti la senget2 dulu kan...
Once kau dah find the way nak stabilkan kapal will go smooth...
Maybe tak semua dapat seimbangkan kapal tu..some sink..some will remain float....
All we need is make a shift/change if something is still goes wrong no matter how much we try...
Make a change...
Kalau kau hantu ubahlah jadi orang...nak jadi malaikat melampau sangat kan.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
FIXI best!
My new collections dalam rak aku.
2 thumbs up for FIXI sebab respon yang sangat cepat.
Beli semalam harini terus dapat buku.
Aku nak ke Kinokuniya memang susah la dengan si kecil tu.
So, ler.
Aku dah habis baca Dendam.
Cerita dia nanti aku tulis review.
I may not a good reviewer but i'll try.
On my way to finish Pecah.
Lagi tiga tu baru dapat tadi kat ofis.
Kesimpulan, way better daripada baca novel2 cintun2 yang aku pernah baca sebelum ni
Atau mungkin aku dah meningkat usia.
Perlukan bahan bacaan yang lebih berat.
Let me finish read all the books.
U should try them too..
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sweet tak?
Korang rasa sweet tak bila male partner korang tak kira lah husband ke boyfriend ke best friend ke korang call suruh keluar daripada office korang and tiba-tiba dia bagi satu bekas dalam tu ada cupcakes yang dia bake sendiri malam semalam atau pagi-pagi sebelum pergi kerja?
Sweet tak? Apa perasaan korang eh?
Alangkah bagusnya kalau mimpi aku ni jadi kenyataan. Aku lah orang paling bahagia.
I don't want diamonds nor golds....this sweet surprise sure keeps me happy for my whole life.
Walaupun rupa tak menawan tapi kesungguhan tu buat ku tertawan... |
Sweet tak? Apa perasaan korang eh?
Alangkah bagusnya kalau mimpi aku ni jadi kenyataan. Aku lah orang paling bahagia.
I don't want diamonds nor golds....this sweet surprise sure keeps me happy for my whole life.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk awak
Hari ni birthday awak
Saya tak pernah lupa.
Sebab 11 tahun 11 bulan dan 23 hari yang lalu first time saya wish awak dengan card birthday yang ucapannya menyakitkan hati awak.
Maybe I should erase this date, your home phone number, your home address..
Bukan saya tak cuba...Cuba sedaya upaya saya...
But I just can't...
I moved on ok. Cuma, cane nak cakap eh?
Macam, saya bagi awak kunci treasure box saya. Dan awak simpan box tu jugak.
Sampai satu masa, awak pulangkan kunci tu. Tapi, treasure box saya tu awak still simpan.
Bagitau saya, macam mana saya nak gunakan kunci tu sedangkan fizikal nya takde.
You still keep the box and I'm sure awak mesti dah lupa awak letak kat mana box tu.
And you know it's hard to find another box similar to the one that I gave you, and I can't use the key you return to open up the new box...The key is unique.
To my husband(once you read this),
Don't get mad over this. I even discuss this with you and I am aware that it's unfair for you.
But baby, you have me now. I just need a small space for my memories which I can't permanently delete from my RAM.
Kepada Nicholas Tse (samaran je weh!)
Saya harap awak sihat sentiasa.
Harap ada teman hidup yang baik. Make a good living. I know you do.
Stay charm...
Tu je aa kot. Speechless la pulak.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Walk till you drop
Aku cuti semalam
Pengasuh anak cuti. So being a 'single parent' aku kena lah korbankan cuti aku lagi.
Jumaat lepas parents aku jemput cam biasa balik ke kampung halaman (lah sangat..jauh x sampai berpuluh batu)
Ahad ok lagi...pakai kete mak.
Isnin pun mak tinggalkan kereta. Kot aku nak ke mana. But end up aku buat kerja gila.
Park kereta mak kat library. Then aku berjalan ke bus stop.
Anak tinggal jap dengan adik aku.
Nampak bas. Terus naik. Fuh...lama dowh tak naik bas. I miss the feeling.
Bas sekarang dah ada air cond. Bukan cam bas yang aku naik dulu.
Basah ketiak. Muka berminyak toksah cakap.
Lalu, komuter stesen baru...depan tu jambatan. Aku tekan loceng.
Turun, dan bermula lah aku menapak.
Oh, botol air memang aku dah siap dalam handbag. Perjalanan ni memang dirancang out of sudden.
Kalau mak abah aku tau bising gak. Sorang2. Mak dara lagi tu.
Aku menapak lebih kurang 2++ km kot. Ala, dalam 20 minit berjalan dari jambatan tu ke rumah aku.
Berpeluh? Semestinya. Kol 10.45 pg aku start menapak. Kol 11.03 pg aku sampai rumah.
Apa aku rasa?
Puas! Happy sebab aku masih mampu berjalan. And I miss waktu bercinta dulu yang sangup meredah berkilo2meter berjalan bersama tersayang.
Sweet lah aku rasa.
Masa tu baru tau tahap kesabaran dan perangai sebenar macam mana....
Aku suka sangat dapat spend masa berjalan, travel pakai public transport (walaupun it's sucks!)
We will learn about life and others hardship.
Selagi nyawa dikandung badan...I will walk till I drop...
Pengasuh anak cuti. So being a 'single parent' aku kena lah korbankan cuti aku lagi.
Jumaat lepas parents aku jemput cam biasa balik ke kampung halaman (lah sangat..jauh x sampai berpuluh batu)
Ahad ok lagi...pakai kete mak.
Isnin pun mak tinggalkan kereta. Kot aku nak ke mana. But end up aku buat kerja gila.
Park kereta mak kat library. Then aku berjalan ke bus stop.
Anak tinggal jap dengan adik aku.
Nampak bas. Terus naik. Fuh...lama dowh tak naik bas. I miss the feeling.
Bas sekarang dah ada air cond. Bukan cam bas yang aku naik dulu.
Basah ketiak. Muka berminyak toksah cakap.
Lalu, komuter stesen baru...depan tu jambatan. Aku tekan loceng.
Turun, dan bermula lah aku menapak.
Oh, botol air memang aku dah siap dalam handbag. Perjalanan ni memang dirancang out of sudden.
Kalau mak abah aku tau bising gak. Sorang2. Mak dara lagi tu.
Aku menapak lebih kurang 2++ km kot. Ala, dalam 20 minit berjalan dari jambatan tu ke rumah aku.
Berpeluh? Semestinya. Kol 10.45 pg aku start menapak. Kol 11.03 pg aku sampai rumah.
Apa aku rasa?
Puas! Happy sebab aku masih mampu berjalan. And I miss waktu bercinta dulu yang sangup meredah berkilo2meter berjalan bersama tersayang.
Sweet lah aku rasa.
Masa tu baru tau tahap kesabaran dan perangai sebenar macam mana....
Aku suka sangat dapat spend masa berjalan, travel pakai public transport (walaupun it's sucks!)
We will learn about life and others hardship.
Selagi nyawa dikandung badan...I will walk till I drop...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Macam robot
Text from a friend of mine
" Awk, kadang-kadang saya rasa macam robot awak, pagi bangun tidur gi kerja, balik gelap..Tidur..Macam tu jelah rutin hidup saya. Kerja betul-betul terasa macam kuli "
Terasa cam biasa tak situasi tu?
Kalau aku terbalik la. Kuar gelap, balik still rasa lagilah cahaya matahari tu.
Routine is just the same. Cuma maybe dia tak payah masak. Hidup sorang lah katakan makan order kedai je.
Aku? Balik...masak, siapkan beg anak,, bersihkan anak...bacakan buku untuk anak, tidur....
Rutin buatkan kita terasa cam robot. Even mesin pun sesekali mesti breakdown juga. Ini kan pula pembuat mesin.
Kalau robot/mesin rosak boleh gantikan parts yang rosak dengan yang baru. Kalau manusia..homo sapiens?
Boleh tukar veins and all the nerves dengan yang baru? Yang tumbuh menggantikan yang rosak tu adalah. But kekuatan tu adakah sama? Maybe weaker sikit. Entah...from my logics. Based on my observations.
After all, kita perlukan kertas-kertas itu (read: money)untuk teruskan hidup.
Daripada mana nak dapat...ialah jadi kuli. Even if you kerja sendiri pun, ada lagi yang lagi boss dari you.
It's an economic cycle.
Nak tak's something we got to do what we have to do to stay alive.
Lain lah ko nak merasa dapat easy money and dah give up nak berusaha dan jadi kuli...jadi aa peragut, perompak and etc.
" Awk, kadang-kadang saya rasa macam robot awak, pagi bangun tidur gi kerja, balik gelap..Tidur..Macam tu jelah rutin hidup saya. Kerja betul-betul terasa macam kuli "
Terasa cam biasa tak situasi tu?
Kalau aku terbalik la. Kuar gelap, balik still rasa lagilah cahaya matahari tu.
Routine is just the same. Cuma maybe dia tak payah masak. Hidup sorang lah katakan makan order kedai je.
Aku? Balik...masak, siapkan beg anak,, bersihkan anak...bacakan buku untuk anak, tidur....
Rutin buatkan kita terasa cam robot. Even mesin pun sesekali mesti breakdown juga. Ini kan pula pembuat mesin.
Kalau robot/mesin rosak boleh gantikan parts yang rosak dengan yang baru. Kalau manusia..homo sapiens?
Boleh tukar veins and all the nerves dengan yang baru? Yang tumbuh menggantikan yang rosak tu adalah. But kekuatan tu adakah sama? Maybe weaker sikit. Entah...from my logics. Based on my observations.
After all, kita perlukan kertas-kertas itu (read: money)untuk teruskan hidup.
Daripada mana nak dapat...ialah jadi kuli. Even if you kerja sendiri pun, ada lagi yang lagi boss dari you.
It's an economic cycle.
Nak tak's something we got to do what we have to do to stay alive.
Lain lah ko nak merasa dapat easy money and dah give up nak berusaha dan jadi kuli...jadi aa peragut, perompak and etc.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
New Dashboard Interface For Blogger Users
Korang jeles ak tengok aku nye window jadi cam kat bawah ni...
Ini view reading list aku |
Overview untuk stats sedar draf tu tak cun. Aku kan blogger underground je |
All my posts list... |
Ini view editor baru aku
Jeles tak you alls? Cun kan view baru ni? Aku pun malas nak amik port kenapa jadi camni. Disebabkan my future in law dah jeles so aku pun rajinlah mengoogle segala macam keywords. Dan terjumpa lah laman ni. Tajuk post ni cilok dari dia la.
Read this. I got all the words from Amigowork. Copy paste semua la. brings new design for its user with effective and smooth design of admin panel. Currently it is applied to blogger in draft. now a days google going to change their whole network products with new design and cool features. New design of blogger dashboard got amazing and professional look.
Whenever you open homepage of it will display your primary active blogs with total page views , posts and with last published article date on your dashboard . Dashboard page is looks like as WordPress dashboard. it shows your daily page views as charts with improved speed, latest updates, news from blogger etc.
They have used sidebar in the dashboard. it might be that now finally they understood that user loves sidebar in dashboard for quicker and easier access (e.g. wordpress)
The main and noticeable thing is that they enabled full screen editor by default.
see the preview of the post editor as below.
If still you are using blogger services under the main domain than try to navigate to new design at
Aku ketagih weh...

Aku betul-betul ketagih dengan those 3 yang aku letak heart sign tu.
Ia macam coccaine (macam lah pernah try) bila tak dapat / tak berupdate macam beruk kena cili. Eh?
Those with green arrows tu adik-adik aku punya. Semak sebapak. Sape lagi nak support kalau bukan kakak sendiri.
MistyTiny is currently tgh training nurse. Kat mane? Bukak aa blog dia.
Yang sorang lagi tu.. Christian Siriano wannabe. tuh? Google la ek.
Yang aku addicted tu, kalau korang nak layan please...ask Google. It may find them for you!
C'mon...semuanya di hujung jari beb...
I tried k
I tried to make it work
and like you more and more
but working out a relationship
became too much like a chore
I tried to give you a chance
and see if you were worth it
and the things you, I did not like
you told me you would quit
I tried to call you every night
and learn more about you
as days when by, every night
I learned something new
You seemed so sweet
I liked you alot
but as time went on, I realized
you were not what I thought
The calls stopped
promises broke
the whole time this was
nothing but a joke
By Erin Maher
and like you more and more
but working out a relationship
became too much like a chore
I tried to give you a chance
and see if you were worth it
and the things you, I did not like
you told me you would quit
I tried to call you every night
and learn more about you
as days when by, every night
I learned something new
You seemed so sweet
I liked you alot
but as time went on, I realized
you were not what I thought
The calls stopped
promises broke
the whole time this was
nothing but a joke
By Erin Maher
Politic Talks
Just having a discussion dengan kawan aku yang join rally haritu
Taklah join sangat, dia jadi pemerhati...
aku cakap aku in the middle. Berkecuali. Walaupun tu jawapan paling aku tak setuju.
But nak wat cane aku terikat dengan satu kertas kuning.
I just like dia punya point of view. Just for once bagi the opposition pegang.
Tengok boleh handle atau tak.
Entahlah...korang rasa?
Senyum sikit aa
Ni current obsession anak aku.
He loves taking picture of himself.
Dia ambil my phone and cakap...mama, enyum enyum...
He asks to snap his pic...I did...
And this is the results.
He loves taking picture of himself.
Dia ambil my phone and cakap...mama, enyum enyum...
He asks to snap his pic...I did...
And this is the results.
Apa yang aku nak dalam perkahwinan ini
Lately, aku banyak baca daridapa blog yang aku suka...
And it influences me a lot.
Somehow, makes me think a lot... whether the decision I made last 1426 days or 3 years 10 months 26 days, up to this date betul atau hanya mengikut darah muda aku.
Maybe masa bercinta trust, honesty and love are all we need or maybe syarat yang kita letakkan untuk hidup bahagia bersama.
But, it requires a lot more once we take the biggest step in our life...being settled down.
Being an immature me, I thought it would go smoothly with just those 3 things but no, it's not.
Ia perlukan 100% komitmen, pemahaman, give and take, empathy, the languanges, stability of your economy and a lot more which I still yet to figure....
Sebab tu jugak lah, hari ini aku rasa terribly down bila baca kisah2 cinta diorang yang macam epic which doesn't occur to me. We did have great time before we settled down. Not that we are not happy now...but I have to sacrifice a lot.
Aku tak kisah sangat pasal duit. Material boleh dicari. Tapi nak kekalkan the heat of love tu adalah the hardest part ever.
Sometimes, aku rasa aku perlukan masa untuk sendiri. Break apart for a awhile. But we have kid.
Tapi, aku sayangkan dia...because i said yes when he did proposed me.
I can't stop thinking bila dia susah siapa lagi yang mampu tenangkan dia.
Siapa lagi yang nak tolong kurangkan beban dia.
It's me...his wife.
Sebulan going to be our next anniversary.
Nothing much I hope. I wish we could mend this relationship.
Reheat our love. Plan for future.
Please...appreciate me the way I should...
And it influences me a lot.
Somehow, makes me think a lot... whether the decision I made last 1426 days or 3 years 10 months 26 days, up to this date betul atau hanya mengikut darah muda aku.
Maybe masa bercinta trust, honesty and love are all we need or maybe syarat yang kita letakkan untuk hidup bahagia bersama.
But, it requires a lot more once we take the biggest step in our life...being settled down.
Being an immature me, I thought it would go smoothly with just those 3 things but no, it's not.
Ia perlukan 100% komitmen, pemahaman, give and take, empathy, the languanges, stability of your economy and a lot more which I still yet to figure....
Sebab tu jugak lah, hari ini aku rasa terribly down bila baca kisah2 cinta diorang yang macam epic which doesn't occur to me. We did have great time before we settled down. Not that we are not happy now...but I have to sacrifice a lot.
Aku tak kisah sangat pasal duit. Material boleh dicari. Tapi nak kekalkan the heat of love tu adalah the hardest part ever.
Sometimes, aku rasa aku perlukan masa untuk sendiri. Break apart for a awhile. But we have kid.
Tapi, aku sayangkan dia...because i said yes when he did proposed me.
I can't stop thinking bila dia susah siapa lagi yang mampu tenangkan dia.
Siapa lagi yang nak tolong kurangkan beban dia.
It's me...his wife.
Sebulan going to be our next anniversary.
Nothing much I hope. I wish we could mend this relationship.
Reheat our love. Plan for future.
Please...appreciate me the way I should...
Monday, July 11, 2011
Glory Yellow
Banners yellow, glorious, golden,
On its roof did float and flow
By Edgar Allan Poe
On its roof did float and flow
By Edgar Allan Poe
I carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it (anywhere i go you go,my dear;
and whatever is doneby only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)
i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
BY E.E Cummings
I may sound lame but..this is my promise to my son (or my upcoming kids)
Some friends say I am lucky coz tak payah bayar kat PTPTN balik sebab been sponsored by JPA.
Maybe...but aku rasa I would be luckiest kalau PaMa would sponsor me to study abroad.
Bukan rezeki aku untuk ditaja mereka, saat mereka nak membesarkan adik2 aku yang lain.
I should just thanks to what I've got. Who says I'm not thanking them? I am...and still doing so...selagi hidup mereka dah jadi tanggungjawab aku.
Aku terbaca tulisan Mantot..(sape baca blog dia tau la k). Aku sangat bersetuju.
Dan benda ni aku pernah suarakan pada suami aku jugak
Mungkin aku belum berpeluang belajar ke luar negeri, but janji aku pada diri aku dan untuk anak-anak aku...
I would try my best, savings for your future, in 16 years ahead...find any source that would back up once you reached the age (if i'm not here anymore) and make sure you go abroad with my own money. Won't mind if I don't have single penny left. I don't mind fasting for your own good, future and good education.
I just don't agree with the system. But it's not too late for me to give you my best. I'll make you the luckiest person ever in this world.
Some friends say I am lucky coz tak payah bayar kat PTPTN balik sebab been sponsored by JPA.
Maybe...but aku rasa I would be luckiest kalau PaMa would sponsor me to study abroad.
Bukan rezeki aku untuk ditaja mereka, saat mereka nak membesarkan adik2 aku yang lain.
I should just thanks to what I've got. Who says I'm not thanking them? I am...and still doing so...selagi hidup mereka dah jadi tanggungjawab aku.
Aku terbaca tulisan Mantot..(sape baca blog dia tau la k). Aku sangat bersetuju.
Dan benda ni aku pernah suarakan pada suami aku jugak
Mungkin aku belum berpeluang belajar ke luar negeri, but janji aku pada diri aku dan untuk anak-anak aku...
I would try my best, savings for your future, in 16 years ahead...find any source that would back up once you reached the age (if i'm not here anymore) and make sure you go abroad with my own money. Won't mind if I don't have single penny left. I don't mind fasting for your own good, future and good education.
I just don't agree with the system. But it's not too late for me to give you my best. I'll make you the luckiest person ever in this world.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Mimpikah aku?
Aku yang dah lama tak update blog ke atau blogger dah upgrade?
Tiba-tiba rasa kat dunia lain yang kosong pulak.
Aman seketika...Bersih, suci....
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I wanna say I do
It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy to say that our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew to that you
You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, I did, I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust and never feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say
Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm old and sit next to you.
And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you
I am addicted to this song.
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy to say that our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew to that you
You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, I did, I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust and never feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say
Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm old and sit next to you.
And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you
I am addicted to this song.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sorry, you waste it
When I give you my time,
I'm giving you a potion of my life that I will never get back.
Unfortunately, you waste most of my time that I've given.
What should I do?
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