dulu2...sy ade sorg kawan...she had helped me a lots, as much as i had helped her too...esp in both of our big day...i dunno where was the mistake...but i admit tht it was my fault...my words tht had broken us apart which i didnt mean any bad intention to her...just want her to know/understand my situation was at tht time but still..it was my fault...ye sy tau most of d time sy berani cakap dalam blog but i keep silence ble berjumpe dgn kawan2 sume. that's d real me...seems talk a lot on the net but not in d real...myb i ade masalah inferiority...tp sy agak aktik mase blaja dulu...hehe...myb i lebih senang sound org dlm internet...tp sy betul2 xde niat yg busuk pd die...i was just teasing her n she took it seriously...so...there we go...splitting...i did apologize to her...thru internet as i started it on d net...she silenced..n then i admitted..we'll nvr be like before...ye..saya tau saya salah tp saya tak bermaksud mcm ape yg awak fikirkn...i was teasing jer...ok klu awak xnak maafkan pun xpe...i still pray for ur happiness......so...kepada kawan2 yg lain saya mintak maaf kalau2 x dpt nak hang out as u know i'm married to someone yg bukan same skolah dgn kite dulu...n ade beberapa komitmen lain ...tp kalau korang kawen...i try my best to pop-up at ur big day...so plz...private msg me di facebook or call me or sms bg sesape yg ade nombor or sape2 yg tau rumah mak abah saya tu plz drop ur invi card...saya akan cuba datang k...kisah sy dgn kawan saya tu...kinda like perpisahan terasing...huh...
ish..cam sedih jer...life's like a cycle aight...one day...we'll meet each other...
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