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Friday, June 21, 2024

Hayfa, febrile fits, rotavirus dan denggi

Kronologi kes...


Jam 4 pagi, Hayfa demam. Suhu lebih kurang 38.2 darjah celcius. Next dos paracetamol baru nak bagi. Tak sempat...tengah bfeed tiba-tiba badan dia terkulai, mata static. Angkat pun muscles tak gerak tak cooperative langsung. Terus bawak ke bilik air. Check mulut, buka pili lalukan dia bawah air. I was calm at first sebab dah pernah encounter benda ni. Pat her slowly at the back, calling her name. No respond sampai tetiba dia menangis. Then I know she'll doing fine. Aku siap-siap pergi kerja, drop kat nanny Hayfa, tinggalkan ubat, supp semua. Tengah hari aku sms tanya Hayfa. She's not feeling well. Badan panas lagi. Aku pun dah rasa macam nak demam. Minta off petang. Amik Hayfa. Tengok dia aktif jugak. Makan minum semua lalu je.

Petangnya dalam 7.20 aku masuk bilik nak baring, Hayfa pun cam panas-panas. Minta husband lapkan badan dia. Pastu dia masuk bilik minta nenen. Aku bagi. Tetiba jadi macam pagi tadi. Aku buat macam pagi tadi. Tapi petang tu it takes longer nak bagi dia sedar. Bibir pun dah terkatup je. Risau kancing. Aku lalukan je air. It takes more than 5mins nak sedarkan dia. Sedar je husband ajak bawak pergi hospital.

First pergi KPJ Seremban. Penuh. Waiting list pun dah ramai sangat. I can't wait any longer. Dari rumah dah masukkan supp kat Hayfa. Then decide bawak pergi emergency di HTJ, Seremban. Kena marah masa daftar kat triage. Apsal aku lambat bawak. Pagi tu patutnya aku dah bawak. Terus bawa ke Zon Kuning ( Zon Separa Kritikal). Daftar, masuk jarum, amik test blood terus kena admit. Kesian tak payah cakap. Hariz yang dah nak masuk 5 tahun pun tak pernah kena admit. Ni lagi lah she's just 1 yrs 5mo. Dengan aku nya demam, pening-pening lalat. Memang dugaan betullah.


 Hi 2024

I am still here. Grateful to be still alive and healthy.

Work is okay and still contemplating to find another office as sometimes current job can be hassle and exhausted.

Last Eid, I was meeting my old acquaintances for my primary school's teacher  retirement dinner. My primary schoolmates. And yes...there were my best buddy and also I don't know how do we call that kind of relationship. Best friends? Besties? Buddies?  

I was there on her wedding when she jumped off the plane and called me that she wanna get married? I was married first and by time she told me that, I was already having a boy aged 5mo. She was like my maid of honor during my wedding. She has been there and has been my friend since kindy, primary, secondary...

I lost contact when she flew, and I stuck here even though we met at scholarship interview back then...she made it and I stuck in my own bubble.

And there was not just her I met.

I met my other 'bestie'. The male one. Who I've known since aged 10 until we both went to uni. All those calls and mails during school days were reviving their own stories. I just staring at him and family like we didn't know each other. 

I miss them dearly. But as time passes by, the memories vaguely vanish. I wanted to cherish all those moments like keeping the mails, the gifts. Do they still have them? All the letters that I have written them? The school badge that we have changed? I'd love to share stories that we might tell giggly, the pain the hurt feeling that we cried on together, calling pranks, rekindle all the memories...but life has parted us in a good way. We moved on making families...building career, make use of little time that we have with our loved one.

All that I keep in mind, we still care for each other. But we just pray from far that Allah will protect us, grant us health and wealth. I know because keep my number even we haven't exchanged ours like many moon ago. Sometimes we've checked on each other WA status. And that's how I know...we still there for each a conceal way.

Thank for those wonderful years, besties.

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