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Friday, September 3, 2010

Too much information can be dangerous?

Patut aku cakap camni kat Doc tu kan?

Does anyone agrees?
Yesterday, i brought Hariz for an appointment with a govt. Dermatologist as i announced it here. My point of view had been a laughing stock to the Doc. The big boss pulak tu. Tu yang tajuk n3 aku jadi camtuh sebab dok terngiang-ngiang dalam kepala ku ni....

Salah ke aku nak jadi seorang ibu yang berinformasi or am i put way too much info yang mengarut dalam kepala saya ni? Or am i being so paranoia over something which is not normal to my eye?

The Doc cakap wth i got the info? I told him of course from the Internet which it out of nowhere.(seyes tetiba i main goole jer pasal health then tetiba the pics of melanoma pop up. Reference letter dari Klinik yang aku refer Hariz tu siap tulis, 'Mother claimed the spot slightly like melanoma". I didn't claim it la actually...That why la aku pi rujuk mintak korang check as i'm not a doctor.
Aku rasa cam orang bodoh pun ada gak. Doktor mix tu siap cakap lagi ' Even if his age reach 58 i can't tell it's melanoma because the percentage u could get it only less than 1%'.

Dowh! Aku rase cam dumbassssss jer. Last-last aku jawab ' sorry doc for wasting your time. i'm his mother and i'm just being curious as if it's a bruise it surely had fade away by time but it didn't. And i think it's better to prevent than to cure...'
The Doc senyap and replied ' you don't have to worry as i can ensure you it has nothing to do with melanoma. But you also have to watch it regularly if any other symptom come up. he's way too young for the disease. '
Ok..ok first of all, aku lega sangat-sangat sebab semua andaian aku tak berasas. Each and every mom (kecuali la mereka-mereka yang sesuka hati buang anak tu) akan rasa nak jaga anak-anak sebaik mungkin. kalau boleh nyamuk atau semut nak gigit pun tak bagi, kan?

And aku tak rasa cari maklumat atau ilmu tu akan jadi bahaya. (lainla kalau cari ilmu nak merompak dan lain-lain yang tak senonoh tu )

Yer, aku memang internet geek. Tapi untuk yang memberi faedah pada aku jer la bukan nak google yang benda-benda yang tak elok tu.

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